The Board of Directors have noticed a increase of activity with electricians coming into the community. This email blast is to serve as a reminder to all homeowners that might be considering a modification to your electric pedestals in a effort to increase the service originally provided to your home.
Please be advised that ANY and ALL modifications to the electric service to your home MUST BE ASSESSED AND APPROVED by the Association’s Electrician prior to any work being performed. While the considered modifications might meet “code” they could easily overload the community’s overall electrical system.
If changes are made without approval and are found to negatively affect the community’s electrical grid… it is the Homeowner’s responsibility (and cost) to return the service to an approved condition.
To request this assessment please make written application on an ECC application for approval. This form can be found on the website, under the tab communications and then forms or it can be picked up at the front office.
APHOA Board of Directors.